viernes, enero 14, 2005

The Stench

Este un cuento que escribí en inglés, hace dos años. El reto era hablar de alguien que era joven en los años 30. Pensé en mi ex-suegro, entonces muy enfermo, y en mis hijos cuidándolo.

The Stench

“Granpa, here's your glass of water."
"Who asked for water?"
"You did."
"OK. The water fountains were beautiful".
"They actually worked back then".
"What water fountains? Sit up granpa."
"Why should I sit up?"
"To drink your water"
"They worked back then. And the soldiers were marching into the palace".
"I don't follow".
"You never follow, kid. The soldiers followed their captain".
"Come on, drink"
"The inauguration of the Bellas Artes Palace, I was there"
"I know, you've told us, granps".
"Never told you, but I do remember"
"You said you were a student back then".
"I was. But I didn't say that. I had a scholarship, you know?"
"Given by President Cardenas, you've told us".
"Where's my water?"
"You just drank it."
"Not true. Bring me a glass of water, please. I'm thirsty."
"Ok. I'll fetch one, you've had three in a row. But first, you tell me the story again".
"What story?"
"About the inauguration of the Palace"
"What Palace?"
"Bellas Artes. You were there, weren't you?
"Sure. They gave tickets to all the students with scholarships. The National Philarmonic played that day. I was eager to go. It was a great piece of architecture, a proof that a new age was dawning. The murals weren't there. back then, you know. They painted them in the forties".
"Siqueiros, Orozco and O'Gorman"
"Who are those?"
"The muralists."
"Oh yes. They painted the murals in the forties. They were not there the first time. They were painting other stuff. Meanwhile the soldiers were marching"
"They marched".
"They marched right to their places. Smoking mariguana into the hall. Such a stench".
"Couldn't do that now, eh?"
"No. They wouldn't get free tickets, now".
"I mean they couldn't smoke pot in the Palace, now".
"They were smoking mariguana and marching into their places. Soldiers. What do they know about classical music. Hardly anyone at that time was interested and the government had to fill the seats. It was the inauguration, you know".
"They also gave you the tickets".
"Yes, but I was a poor student from the desert, with a scholarship, a loner who liked music. And the soldiers liked to smoke mariguana in the new palace. Such a stench."
"And the fountains in the park were all working, right?"
"The fountains were working, the music was playing, they filled the hall with soldiers, I remember. Such a stench. That's how the revolution was. Music for the masses. But they cared about mariguana. Such a stench. I'm thirsty. You haven't given me water. The whole day and you haven't given me water, kid".
"I have, granpa."
"What do you have?"
"Given you water"
"Then bring me some. I mean, those soldiers. Such a stench".
"Time to change your diaper, gramps. Please lie down."

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