Se dice que la eternidad comenzará cuando una
montaña se erosione completamente, luego de un ala de ángel pase por ella cada
600 años.
Esto significa que las alas de ángel tienen poder de
erosión (si bien muy limitado). Por lo tanto, es justo decir que si pones
muchos de ellos en la punta de un alfiler, habrá alguna erosión, sin importar
cuál sea su tamaño, especialmente si están bailando.
Algunos ángeles son representado tocando trompetas,
por lo que considero que, cuando menos, tienen cierta sensibilidad musical.
Claro, pueden ser más bien músicos que escuchas o bailarines. Pero se supone
que tienen gracia. Los seres con gracia bailan.
Lo que más me sorprende es la posibilidad de escoger
la punta de un alfiler como salón de baile. He pensado en ello mientras pongo
puntas de alfiler bajo el fuego de mi encendedor y me pregunto si he
achicharrado a algunos ángeles.
Otra pregunta era sobre el sexo de los ángeles.
Las ansias lujuriosas de poder provocaron la primera
rebelión angélica (con Luzbel como líder). Tal vez por ello Dios pensó que era
conveniente cortar de tajo con la lujuria angelical.
Una cosa es cierta. Los querubines no tienen
genitales (a menos de que estén escondidos detrás de sus cabezas).
La pregunta original (y la respuesta) era en inglés. Ahí les va la versión:
Years ago, I was
asked just how many smegging angels can dance on the head of a pin?
It is said that
eternity will begin when a mountain completely erodes after have one angel wing
beat it every 600 years.
This means angel wings do have eroding power (albeit very limited). So it is fair to say that if you put many of them in the head of a pin, some erosion is to be made, regardless of their actual size, especially if they're dancing.
Some angels are known for playing trumpets, so I think they, at the very least, have some sort of musical sensibility. Of course, they may rather be players and listeners than dancers. But they're supposed to have grace. Gracious beings do dance.
What strikes me the most is the possibility of choosing the head of a pin as a ballroom. I've wondered about it while putting pinheads under the fire of a lighter. I've wondered if there have been charred angels in the punctures I've made.
This means angel wings do have eroding power (albeit very limited). So it is fair to say that if you put many of them in the head of a pin, some erosion is to be made, regardless of their actual size, especially if they're dancing.
Some angels are known for playing trumpets, so I think they, at the very least, have some sort of musical sensibility. Of course, they may rather be players and listeners than dancers. But they're supposed to have grace. Gracious beings do dance.
What strikes me the most is the possibility of choosing the head of a pin as a ballroom. I've wondered about it while putting pinheads under the fire of a lighter. I've wondered if there have been charred angels in the punctures I've made.
Another question
was about the sex of the angels. I can handle that.
Lust for power
prompted the initial angelic rebellion (Lucifer, their leader).
Well, perhaps God thought it would be better to stop angelical lust altogether.
One thing seems certain: cherubs have no genitalia (unless it's hidden in the back of their heads).
Well, perhaps God thought it would be better to stop angelical lust altogether.
One thing seems certain: cherubs have no genitalia (unless it's hidden in the back of their heads).
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